Member Profile: Maged Ossama Aly

PhD researcher (Nutrition), IOC Dip (Sports Nutrition), MPH (Nutrition), MBChB

Maged is an Egyptian nutrition physician specialist with a master’s degree in public health (Nutrition), IOC sports nutrition diploma, and currently he is doing his PhD in Nutrition at the High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, Egypt.

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University in 2012. After that, he got his master’s degree in public health, majoring in Nutrition from the High Institute of Public Health, Egypt in 2017. Maged believed that the area of dietary supplements and doping must be tackled, so he assessed the prevalence of dietary supplement use among athletes in Alexandria, Egypt in his master’s thesis. His PhD project then focused on the health education of physical education students who are the future coaches and how can they advise their athletes to get their needs from their food; the “Food First” approach. 

In 2018, he joined the Alex Knee Center team as their Nutrition Specialist. One year later, he volunteered in the Egyptian Special Olympics as one of their medical staff. Currently, he is the Secretary-General of Alexandria Physicians Nutrition Association (APNA), Egyptian Medical Syndicate. He has extensive experience dealing with athletes. 

Maged’s experience ranges beyond sports nutrition to exercise science, research and lecturing. He is a visiting instructor of sports nutrition at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University, the University of Sadat City, and the National Nutrition Institute, Egypt. He has also given many free webinars and oral presentations at several nutrition and sports conferences in Cairo, Alexandria, and Upper Egypt, trying to share the knowledge he has gained. 

Maged has plans not only to give lectures but also to construct a training program that can be copied everywhere in Egypt. The goal is to have uniform up-to-date evidence-based training for nutritionists, rather than individual random efforts. He hopes in ten to fifteen years from now the network he is trying to build in Egypt will become fruitful and ensure all sports clubs have access to professional qualified sports nutritionists to provide the athletes with proper information to enhance their performance and support their health.

In 2022, Maged became the PINES representative for Egypt, and he works to extend the Egyptian sports nutrition network and make collaborations with other sports nutrition professionals in the Middle East and Northern Africa regions and the rest of Africa. 

Maged was a former taekwondo and mixed martial arts athlete, and he enjoys cooking and traveling.