PINES 10 questions, 10 experts:  Sport nutrition myth busters

Symposium Chair: Dr. Louise Burke, Australian Institute of Sport

Co-chair: Nancy Clark, RD

Date: Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Time: 5:30-7:30pm with a cash bar at the back of the room

Place: Rosen Centre Hotel (9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL. (Conference Hotel); Grand Ballroom D, Level 1 of the Hotel.

Athletics and active individuals are constantly bombarded with media messages touting the next miracle product, supplement, diet that promises improved performance, fat loss while gaining lean tissues, and resilience. Some of these myths have been around for years and periodically resurface, while some are new with little evidenced based research to back their claims. Most sports dietitians, physicians and other health professionals working with athletes find it difficult to keep up with these changing claims to respond to the questions they receive.  This session will bring 10 experts together to provide the evidence to respond to these 10 questions around ‘myth buster’.

Learning objective

Understand the scientific evidence behind the various sport nutrition myths that athletes and active individuals frequently ask. We will address the current science and physiological mechanisms around each question to dispel the myths related to sport performance, weight management, cognitive function, food selection, and supplement necessity.    

Change in competence and/or performance

Gain insight into the ‘current sport nutrition myths’ and dispel these myths based on science for the health professionals working with athletes and active individuals. Attendees will leave with an understanding of how they can discuss and dispel these myths with their athletes.

Register for this session here


After the session there will be a reception supported by Unit Nutrition.  Click here to read more about the reception and RSVP.