PINES Global Report: Canada

By Jorie Janzen RD

Becoming a Sports Dietitian in Canada

Regulations and Certifications

In Canada dietitians working in sport dietetics may be employed by the Canadian Sport Institute Network, (CSIN) sport medicine clinics, professional and amateur sport organizations as well as private practice. 

Required professional affiliations include the provincial college/regulatory body for each province. Additional affiliations such as Dietitians of Canada’s Sport Nutrition Network (DCSNN), provincial sport medicine and science councils, provincial sport nutrition networks (e.g. Manitoba Sport Nutrition Network Inc.), PINES, CPSDA, SDA may also be required to practice. 

Currently in Canada there is no formal certification for a sports nutritionist/sports dietitian, however, there are standards that have been assumed in the hiring of dietitians within the CSIN and DCSNN organizations. As a registered dietitian seeking employment within the CSI-Network, a preferred work experience of 2 years is considered favorable as well as a Master’s degree/PhD in a related field and or obtaining the IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition. 


Canadian Sport Institute Network

For dietitians working within the CSIN there are annual events in which network meetings are hosted.  For example; SPIN Summit (Sport INovation summit) and NSSMAC (National Sport Science and Medicine Advisory Council) is Canada’s symposium for professional development and networking in areas of applied sport science, sports medicine, and innovation.  Because there are so few full time and or permanent positions in Canada, many dietitians working in sport have formed smaller networking groups within their province to facilitate sharing of knowledge and experiences. 

The CSIN encompasses 4 institutes and 3 centers (designation is based on number of specific criteria) and has recently collaborated with B2Ten and its Applied Performance Sport Nutrition Mentorship program.  This 2-year mentorship program allows dietitians and nutritionists to be mentored by world-class sports nutritionists.  In addition to the mentorship program, the DCSNN has worked closely with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to include what will likely lead to best practice in sports nutrition designation by incorporating the Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) credential. 

The DCSNN continues to work with SDA in adapting and delivering an intensive 4-day course held in Canada every 2 years.  As an added benefit, ISAK courses are also available during this same timeframe or they can be accessed independently throughout the year.  

Our Future

In sum, the continuous development of networking groups, mentorships, credentials and certifications will further enhance the advancement of Canada’s sports dietitians.  Through these persistent and focused efforts our goal of being the leaders in the delivery of cutting edge sport nutrition services will come to fruition.


Jorie Janzen

Registered Dietitian, IOC Dipl Sports Nutr, CSSD
Canadian Sport Centre-Manitoba