PINES Communications Committee Member
Caitlin Edmonds, a member of the PINES Communications Committee, first developed an interest in sports nutrition during her time as a young athlete, fascinated by the role food had to play in elite performance. This led Caitlin down the path of completing a combined degree of a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, followed by a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics. Through these studies, Caitlin grasped the absolute necessity for the presence of qualified nutrition professionals within all athletic performance environments.
Caitlin came to join PINES after completing her Masters Research Project at the University of Sydney, under the supervision of the late Associate Professor Helen O’Connor. This project, with the wealth of knowledge shared by her team of experienced supervisors, provided her with exposure to elite sports nutrition around the world and highlighted the enormous benefit of collaboration amongst sports nutrition professionals. This unique exposure to sports nutrition encouraged Caitlin to establish a sports focused career path.
Throughout her studies, Caitlin also had further engagement with the sports nutrition field through an internship, which eventuated into her first Dietitian role working with elite and emerging athletes in sports such as soccer and netball. This provided Caitlin with first-hand experience in applying sports nutrition theory into tangible health and performance strategies to support athletes in excelling within their sports. This role also provided invaluable insight into navigating the Dietitian role within a sports multi-disciplinary team.
Caitlin has since expanded her roles within the nutrition industry, continuing to work with athletes within private practice and team sport roles, with a specific focus in the development of younger and emerging athletes. She has also recently commenced work as a casual academic at the University of Sydney, sharing with student Dietitians her learnings in entering and working within the profession. Caitlin is passionate about the importance of knowledge sharing and productive discussion amongst nutrition professionals to continue to strengthen the field and develop as practitioners. For this reason, Caitlin feels incredibly lucky to be a part of PINESand its role in encouraging global communication in the industry.
Role as a PINES Communications Committee Member
As a member of the PINES Communications Committee, I provide social media support in allowing PINES to share commentary on the latest in nutrition research and provide opportunity for connecting nutrition professionals across the globe via social media.